Rabu, 28 Februari 2018


Image result for luxcess

The vision of the Luxcess investment group is to help people become part of a large investment family. On the other hand, the goal is to ensure the management and improvement of capital escalation in a transparent manner for as many people as possible. Luxcess always believes that teamwork, up-to-date information and discipline are the most important for success. Luxcess not only joins investments such as cryptoholding, cryptographic trade, forex, silver and gold trading, and launch projects, but also ensures the integration of the general public into the extended family, which will increase profits for all of its members.



Over the years, Luxcess has adopted an excellent system. Luxcess combines diverse investment portfolios, experience and teamwork.


The most important component of Luxcess's vision is teamwork. The Luxcess team is bound by a common goal - project implementation, which they begin.


Luxcess Group provides the clarity and clarity of all his works, Luxcess believes that this is the only way to the success and satisfaction of everyone.


Luxcess Group is a young innovative group that always follow the latest trends.


You must support the Luxcess project, as they have an excellent and experienced team with excellent results in trading and investment since 2014. Group Luxcess wants to proclaim itself worldwide, in investing with the Luxcess project, everyone can participate.

LUXCESS creates a bridge between crypto and fantasy worlds. Luxcess offers everyone an excellent opportunity, which does not roughly mention a dump, but is an opportunity to receive long-term income. In addition, Luxcess adds additional rewards to your friend's loyalty.

Thanks to LUXCESS project friends, you have a great chance to be part of the cryptomir, try your profits beyond the classic investments and follow these trends. Benefits of BlockChain technology are speed, transparency, small commissions, accuracy, reliability, security and decentralization.

The Luxcess team created the Royal platform, where you invested your tokens after purchase. At this point, you decide whether you will invest your Luxcess token in the Hold index or in the LCRC crypto currency itself. Royal Luxcess Hold is an option where you store and store your tokens safely. Then you make a profit or lose it, depending on whether the token grows or falls on the official stock market. You may at any time transfer your token to Royal Luxcess Trading or release it and put your wallet in your wallet. Investing your Luxcept crypto in Royal Luxcess Trading gives you additional opportunities to make a profit. All the lxc tokens you invest in the trade will be distributed in the existing portfolio. Profits and losses will be recorded in the combined internal index of the LXC, and your income will be based on it.

Thus, ideas and platforms are designed in such a way as to ensure quick and fast usage, as everything can be done with a few mouse clicks.

What is Luxcess token ???
People who trust the Luxcess team and this project will receive more money with the LXC mark. The Luxcess Group team has developed a system that guarantees long-term benefits. Luxcess will achieve a very good price for tokens in the market, because investment in their project will be possible only with the LXC mark. LXC prices will be stable, and constant growth will be guaranteed, which is a guarantee that more people will invest in LXC tokens.

Over time, the purchase of LuxCourse will require more money, which is the only option for people to join now.

How is the Luxcess token price maintained?

The Luxcess Group team recognizes that mutual trust and support are critical to success, so they have developed a system that will reward all those who believe in the project over the long term.


The Luxcess Group chose the Ethereum platform, primarily because of its security and stability, and excellent platform integration.
Symbol: LXC.
Number of token Luxcess: 35,000,000.
Platform: Ethereal (ETH).
Price 1 Luxcess token: 0.15 $.
All unsold tokens will be burned.
A number of Luxcess tokens lead to increased demand and increased cost of Luxcess crypto.

Conclusion: Luxcess - to help people become part of a large investment family. They want to create a bridge between crypto and fantasy worlds. Luxcess offers everyone a great opportunity to earn a long term income. The Luxcess Group team knows that mutual trust and support is essential to success.

For more detailed information and join the current Luxcess social media please follow the following links:


Selasa, 27 Februari 2018


What is Buzzshow?

BuzzShow is a full development in the social networking video base, the award is given to users alongside Buzzshow Goldies Token in creating, curating, sharing & watching videos. The future of BuzzShow as a decentralized platform gives users full control and privacy in their social media video space.

This is the first fully developed social video network that allows everyone involved to contribute and earn money in that platform.

BuzzShow is committed to ensuring that revenue generated from premium ads and subscriptions is fairly distributed among all "food chains" including content creators, curators, marketers and consumers according to their level of participation and popularity on the platform.

Features of Buzzshow

Users on the platform will earn money when they upload their first video on the platform. This method is very simple to get Goldies even before the demand on the site grows. They can also earn with every referral confirmed on the site. Once a user lists them based on their referrals, they also get some Goldies.

Another feature is the ability to create channels and upload a video for free.

Online Video Storage with IPFS

Buzzshow will use IPFS to avoid using centralized video control center. This ensures that the videos stored in the really decentralized way. As a result, connection problems in certain areas do not affect the rest of the files. Videos can also be divided into duplicated sections to ensure that it can be obtained even when there is a problem with the blockchain. Content created will always be guaranteed.

Buzzshow Market Mechanism: 

Token Sales Description

The purpose of the TOKEN sales is to release Buzzshow developed and tested platforms to market and expand the Creator's network of content and content creators who use the Buzzshow system and earn rewards with Buzzshow Token. This will specifically build on existing Alfa developed and tested
an already developed and active platform is not just a concept. This is a major deviation from most ICO's that only offer a concept and for the most part sells tokens to raise funds for development, and obviously does not serve as Token utility. Buzzshow has created Alpha
The platform versions that contributors can be accessed through the website. TOKEN SALE coins available will be capped at Goldies sebannyak 150 million.

Details of Token Sales


Token Distribution

Use of Funds

For more information :

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

DARICO ICO – Asset Backed Cryptocurrency

Setelah peluncuran Bitcoin, banyak Cryptocurrencies memasuki pasar namun sebagian besar tidak didukung oleh aset apa pun dan juga tidak memiliki nilai tersendiri. Namun, Cryptocurrencies terutama Bitcoin dan Ethereal akhirnya mulai traksi akhir-akhir ini dan harga mereka saat ini meroket. Cryptocurrency baru yang akan diluncurkan segera adalah Decentralized Asset-Backed Investment-Grade Coin (DARICO). DARICO hadir dengan kombinasi unik antara campuran investasi yang menawarkan stabilitas dan bernilai tinggi. Hal ini didasarkan pada algoritma blockchain yang sudah mapan dan terbukti Ethereum. Ini Initial Coin Offering (ICO) akan terjadi pada Q1, 2017, pada artikel ini kami akan mengulas peluang investasi ini.

Investasi di Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies mendapatkan daya tarik, terutama pertumbuhan Bitcoin yang fenomenal. Berinvestasi dalam Cryptocurrencies baru sangat berisiko karena volatilitasnya, masalah konversi dan penerimaan yang rendah. Bagi investor yang ragu sama-sama tertarik untuk berinvestasi di Cryptocurrencies karena peluang pertumbuhan dan volatilitasnya, DARICO adalah solusi tepat. DariCO berinvestasi di Cryptocurrencies yang paling berharga yaitu Bitcoin, Ethereal dan investasi emas yang sangat stabil. Bitcoin dan Ethereal adalah mata uang yang sudah mapan, tingkat penerimaan mereka sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan Cryptocurrency lainnya. Selanjutnya, mata uang mereka paling andal dan aman dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan mereka, karena rekam jejak dan algoritme terbukti, terutama Bitcoin. Ethereum adalah Cryptocurrency terbesar kedua setelah Bitcoin.

Bitcoin dan Ethereum menawarkan potensi pertumbuhan yang tinggi dan Gold memberikan stabilitas yang meminimalkan volatilitas kedua kriptocurrencies, emas lebih lanjut adalah logam yang paling berharga dan stabil selama berabad-abad. Pasokan koin DARICO terbatas, hanya 240 juta hasilCO yang akan tercipta. Dari jumlah tersebut hanya 25% koin DARICO yang akan dirilis ke publik, 7,5% koin akan disisihkan untuk mendukung proyek tersebut dan sisanya 67,5% akan ditambang otomatis selama 18 tahun berikutnya. Investor akan menerima koin tambahan dari auto mining selama 18 tahun.

Perusahaan akan menyiapkan setup pertanian pertambangan otomatis yang akan menambahkan koin hasilCO yang ditambang ke dalam akun Kejadian investor setiap 15 detik. Investor dengan sekurang-kurangnya 1000 koin dariCO akan menerima sejumlah uang logam secara berkala, yang akan meningkatkan kepemilikan aset lembur investor. Investor dapat menyimpan koin dalam dompet Ether yang sesuai dengan ERC20 atau dalam dompet OFCO. Koin ini bisa diperdagangkan di sebagian besar bursa. Perusahaan juga akan mengeluarkan kartu debit tersendiri yang membuat proses investasinya lebih sederhana.

Semua Cryptocurrencies berkorelasi positif, artinya bila satu mata uang jatuh semua mata uang lainnya mengikuti pola itu. Tapi emas berkorelasi negatif saat setiap investasi mengalami penurunan harga emas. Menggabungkan emas dengan Bitcoin dan Ethereal meminimalkan risiko kedua mata uang ini sekaligus menawarkan potensi pertumbuhan yang besar.

Pre-ICO dimulai pada Q4, 2017 pada akhir Desember perusahaan akan mengeluarkan $ 3 juta dariCO coins. Selama Januari 2018 ICO sebenarnya dimulai dan perusahaan akan mengeluarkan koin CAD $ 60 juta pada saat itu, investor menerima dana yang dialokasikan melalui dompet Ether (ERC20). CEO & pendiri perusahaan Mojtaba Asadia memiliki track record yang sukses dari banyak pemula dan dia memiliki pengalaman bekerja sebagai CEO di beberapa perusahaan.

Bitcoin adalah Cryptocurrency yang berkembang pesat; akseptabilitas dan pasarnya berkembang dengan kecepatan yang fenomenal. DariCO tidak hanya membawa prospek pertumbuhan mata uang ini, dipikirkan dengan baik untuk mengurangi negatif dari mata uang yang tumbuh dengan cepat ini dengan Gold, itu adalah tempat yang aman. Pertumbuhan investasi tidak terbatas pada pertumbuhan emas dan kedua Cryptocurrencies, proses penambangan Dario akan mengambil tambahan koin. Itu adalah pedang bermata dua yang tidak memiliki pilihan selain pertumbuhan dalam kebanyakan kasus.

For Information Please Click the link below:

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018



Dragon Coin or DRG is the ERC20 / Ethereum Utility token used to participate in the Blockchain Dragon ecosystem. The DRG current will initially be purchased through the sale of our tokens and then on the crypt market, investors and casino players to participate in the Casino using Dragon's Blockchain facility run by addicts who are addicted to Dragon.

DRG icons are exchanged with DGC (Dragon Global Chips), crypto currency chips in casinos, which allow players and casinos to use transparency and additional security of Blockchain.

Dragon Coin will act as an unlimited, inexpensive and transparent alternative financial mechanism within the casino to improve the ancient game industry. Thanks to his experience in blockchain technology, Dragon's goal is a revolution in the old gaming industry, as well as the use of its roots in the industry, as well as all community members who join the path to achieving the goal of Dragon Coin.

Token platform
Purchase, sale and conversion of DRG
Upon completion of Token sale, DRG can be purchased with the help of Fiat or BTC, ETH, XRP, LTH through any crypto-industrial partner recognized directly or directly through its own Dragon Exchange.

Social Wallet
Members of the Dragon community, similar to AML / KYC, released individuals and registered with Dragon as the account holder, are entitled to use the full functionality of the advanced Dragon smartphones? The promotional wallet, which will help them visualize the number of DRGs, DGCs and other forms of digital value icons that are safely stored in their Dragon accounts in the ethereum block.Drag Wallet will fully support the implementation of DRG and DGC.

DRG and BTC / Alt Coins
The Dragon Platform wallet and Dragon Community will support DRG drag and cross-conversion to BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC and other major digital currencies in the future.

Debit card of the Dragon
Each Dragon member can decide to receive a physical debit card for a physical dragon linking his Dragon account with the ATM network and the global MasterCard / Visa provider.

Global ATM
The platform will connect to the Global Cash Machines (GCM) network, allowing participants to use their Dragon debit card to withdraw cash by changing the digital value stored in their wallet with an account (be it DRG, BTC, ETH, XRP or LTC). Participants can also deposit money into their wallets in GCM.

Details of the token
  • Token Token: DRG
  • Total token: 500,000,000
  • Type of the token: ERC20
  • Sales time: December 8, 2017-31 December 2017, 12:00 (Macau time)
  • Percentage held by the founder: 10%
  • Percentage of advisers: 1%
  • Interest held by the Treasury: 7%
  • Percentage held by Stocks: 10%
  • Percentage of sales through a token Sale: 72%

Dragon Coin, or DRG, is a ERC20 utility token, built on the basis of Blockchain Ethereum.

The Blockchain Dragon device provides casinos and players with a book of reliable transactions, promising a level of transparency that has not yet existed in the gaming industry.

DRG is required for players to purchase DGC (Dragon Global Chips), creating a constant demand and continuing to work when we launch new casinos in the coming months.

Road map

December 2016
Ideas and the concept of development The idea of ​​the Dragon was forged in December 2016 at a round table between the founder of Dragon & Junket head. The system for the application of the Dragon is quickly conceptualized, and commitment begins.

June 2017
The first strategic partners In June 2017, after the concept was properly documented, our first strategic partnership was formed in Casinos & Junkets in Asia.

August 2017
Initial public launch In Macau, August 2017, Dragon has the first public appearance in which hundreds of experts from Blockchain and Token Sale from around the world update and verify the project.

November 2017
Our personal pre-sale sale earned more than $ 20 million through private investors and institutions!

December 2017
The launch of Pre-ICOPreICO started on December 8 and will continue until December 31, 2017.

January 2018
The list on Stock & First Launch of Junkets and Casino is launched In January 2018, Dragon will be represented on several exchanges before launching our first Junkets in the Chinese New Year!

February 2018
Public CrowdsaleCrowdsale Our audience was launched in February 2018 after our first Junkets in full flight!

Q2 2018
Launch in Macau. When we successfully conducted experiments with Dragon Blockchain in our first casino, we will expand our full operations to Macau, the largest casino market in Asia.

We are really building a business to improve and improve the interaction of people with the casino. Transparency & Integrity play a big role in achieving this goal, and Blockchain perfectly supports this solution.

For more information on DRAGON COIN you can join link:

Rabu, 14 Februari 2018


hallo alle zukünftigen Liebhaber zurück mit mir Dangdingdong Bray, dieses Mal werde ich diskutieren eines der besten kulinarischen Projekte, die Lebensmittelsicherheit revolutionieren wird, oder Apps folgen das Essen, okay, wir begrüßen, zukünftige Plattformen, basierend auf CIBUS Technology von BLOCKCHAIN.

kleine Geschichte über Vision und Mission über CIBUS.

In der heutigen modernen Welt sind wir beim Kauf und Verkauf sehr leicht zu betrügen. Dieses Phänomen tritt in allen Sektoren jeder Volkswirtschaft auf. Für Verkäufer ist 100% Umsatz ideal, aber das ist nicht möglich, daher gibt es immer noch einige unrealisierte Artikel, die weggeworfen werden müssen. Um dies zu tun, entwerfen skrupellose Menschen oder unverantwortliche Personen das Produkt neu, was den Käufer eindeutig über den Zustand des Produkts irreführt. Das zweite dringende Problem ist inkorrekt, für Original- und Markenartikel abgedeckt, ebenso wie der Verkäufer den Käufer in diesem Fall irreführt.

Hasil gambar untuk karunia cibus

In einigen Fällen ist der Käufer auch an einer anderen Sache interessiert, die er unter normalen Umständen finden wird, zum Beispiel durch wen und wann die Verpackung gemacht wurde, wie die Lieferung gemacht wurde, und so weiter. Mit diesen Informationen weiß der Käufer, dass er Ihnen Geld gibt, um die Qualitätsprodukte zu kaufen, denen Sie vertrauen und vertrauen müssen. Die Reinheit und Transparenz dieses Prozesses wird den Markt für immer verändern, skrupellose Spieler oder unverantwortliche Menschen loswerden.

CIBUS - das weltweit erste Lebensmittel-Ökosystem in diesem Block - ermöglicht es, Hersteller mit Endverbrauchern zu verbinden.
CIBUS ist bereit, eine neue Revolution mit Hilfe des sauberen ökologischen Ökosystems 2.0 für eine bessere Zukunft im 21. Jahrhundert zu schaffen.

CIBUS ist eine virtuelle Plattform, die die ernährungsphysiologischen Fähigkeiten auf der Basis von blockierenden Technologien, die implementiert werden müssen, verfolgt, um den Verkauf von kompetenten Lebensmitteln an Endverbraucher zu unterstützen.

Verbraucher und Lieferanten haben dabei Zugang zu Informationen über den Produktlebenszyklus und können alle wichtigen Parameter einsehen. Nach diesem Verfahren wird die Echtheit der Lebensmittelprodukte, Zutaten und der Status der an der Herstellung beteiligten Unternehmen vom Beginn der Produktion an sehr sorgfältig geprüft und bis zum Ende von dem Kunden verwaltet, der sie erhalten wird. .

Hasil gambar untuk karunia cibus

Business Essen Tisch von CIBUS.

Essen des Kanals.
 Revolutionäres Konzept der Lebensmittelsicherheit. Erstellen Sie eine App für die folgenden Lebensmittel, basierend auf der Blockchain-Technologie. Es bietet einfachen Zugang zu zuverlässigen, genauen, aktuellen und rechtlichen Informationen über Lebensmittelprodukte und Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe.

soziale Ernährung
In dem Bestreben, marktorientierte Optionen anzubieten, um Kundenanreizplattformen zu schaffen, um Produzenten sofort Feedback und Bewertung zu geben. Dies ermöglicht es Experten der Lebensmittelindustrie und des Gesundheitswesens, in allen relevanten Bereichen zusammenzuarbeiten und Innovationen zu entwickeln.

Bieten Sie einen globalen Online-Marktplatz an, auf dem Unternehmen, die Bulk-Lebensmittel verkaufen, sowie der Verkauf von Lebensmitteln und Zusatznahrungsmitteln in einer transparenten und zuverlässigen Umgebung gehandelt werden können.

Bereitstellung einer dezentralen Handelsplattform für E-Commerce, die es Kunden ermöglicht, direkt mit Herstellern zu handeln. Dies reduziert die Kosten durch den Wegfall unnötiger Vermittler. (dritte Person)

Mach eine Mahlzeit.
Vereinfachte und vereinfachte Werbeplattformen, die auf Verkäufer zugeschnitten und auf Nutzerinteressen zugeschnitten sind. Bereitstellung von Analysewerkzeugen und Inhalten im CIBUS-Ökosystem

Partner Essen
Unterstützen Sie Unternehmen dabei, Traffic und Umsätze auf Websites zu steigern, indem Sie sie mit führenden Experten in sozialen Netzwerken verbinden.

Standard Escrow Services auf fünf Ebenen, um Kunden und Hersteller vor Manipulation und Betrug zu schützen.

Logistiklösungen weltweit, die Geo-Tracking nutzen und mit intelligenten Verträgen Transportanforderungen sicherstellen, um die Qualität und Integrität von Lebensmitteln und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zu erhalten.

Wie funktioniert CIBUS?

Vorteile für den Verkäufer.

  • Schnelle und detaillierte Rückmeldung von Kunden
  • Direktmarketing und Werbung für Konsumenten
  • Volle Kontrolle über das Markenimage
  • Reduzieren Sie die Kosten für Kunden
  • Skalierbare Dateninteraktionen


  • Transparenz von Lebensmitteln und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln
  • Das Nahrungsökosystem auf einem zuverlässigen Blocksystem
  • Höhere Qualität mit niedrigerem Preis
  • Kommunizieren Sie direkt mit dem Verkäufer
  • Entschädigung für soziale Beweise

Token CIBUS.

Der CIBUS Token ist die einzige Möglichkeit, eine multifunktionale, verbraucherorientierte Marketingkampagne zu bezahlen, indem Bonussysteme, Empfehlungsboni, Rabatte und Werbung innerhalb des CIBUS-Ökosystems mit exklusivem Zugang zu CIBUS Trace und anderen Plattformfunktionen eingerichtet werden. Es dient auch als eine der besten Kryptowährung zum Kauf und Verkauf von Lebensmitteln.
Das Projekt soll bestehende Lieferketten modernisieren und neue Standardökosysteme einführen, deren Arbeit durch den massiven Einsatz von CIBUS-Tokens angeregt wird.

Hasil gambar untuk karunia cibus

Tokenname: CIBUS
Anzahl der Token: 100.000.000
Zahlungsmethode: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH
SOFT CAP: 5.000.000 CBT
CAP HARDE: 40.000.000 CBT
PRE TGE: bis 28. Februar 2018
ICO TOKEN VERKAUF: 28. Februar - 28. März 2018
Preis: 1 ETH = 1000 CIBUS-Token



Die Eröffnung von Cibus bietet den Kunden Vertrauen und Vertrauen in die Produktqualität beim Kauf bestehender Lebensmittelprodukte mit Hilfe einer neuen dezentralen Plattform, die ebenfalls auf Basis von Blockbustern entwickelt wurde. Dieses Start-up hilft den Nutzern, den Lebensstil von Lebensmitteln und Zusatzstoffen zu beobachten und zu überwachen, um Qualität, Vertrauen, Transparenz, Zuverlässigkeit, Effizienz, Sicherheit und vollständige Rückverfolgbarkeit zu erschwinglichen Preisen zu gewährleisten. CIBUS wird ein End-to-End-Ökosystem von B2C und B2B schaffen, das verändern wird, wie wir Menschen gesunde Nahrung für unseren Körper verwenden werden, damit wir gesund bleiben und die Zukunft behalten können.


Hasil gambar untuk karunia cibus

Hasil gambar untuk karunia cibus

Ich habe genug Informationen von mir über dieses zukünftige CIBUS-Projekt, wenn Sie interessiert sind, oder wenn Sie sich weniger klar fühlen, können Sie auf die folgende Seite zurückblicken,

WEBSEITE: https://www.cibus.world/
WHITEPAPER: https://cibus.world/documents/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2713416.new#new
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cibusworld
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/cibus-1812771722347122/
TELEGRAMM: https://t.me/joinchat/HJRWEA46ubc7gFRBbny1Q

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018


Hasil gambar untuk blockchain teknologi

Was ist Lina.review?

Lina.review ist eine Plattform für die Überprüfung von Blockchain, die Blockchain-Unsterblichkeit nutzt, um die beste Transparenz zu schaffen und Bedingungen für Rezensenten zu schaffen, die von hochwertigen Bewertungen profitieren und einfach und direkt mit Benutzern und Anbietern völlig machtloser Produkte oder Dienstleistungen interagieren können.

Lina ist nicht nur eine Website, sondern eine Blockchain-basierte Plattform, so dass jeder sein eigenes Bewertungssystem erstellen kann, um Communities zu entwickeln und sein eigenes Geschäft zu managen. Alle Lina-basierten Überprüfungskanäle sind global miteinander verbunden.

Was ist Special von Lina.Review?


Die Überprüfungs- und Bewertungsergebnisse sind für den Benutzer vollständig transparent und jeder kann sie überprüfen.

2.Kann nicht manipuliert werden

Die Bewertungen und Bewertungen sind dezentralisiert, so dass sie nicht von Dritten gefälscht oder manipuliert werden können.

3.Bestimmte Kriterien

Lina.review hat eine Reihe von Kriterien in mehr als 20 Bereichen eingeführt, die von Technologieprodukten bis zu medizinischen Dienstleistungen reichen.

3.Nutze Fähigkeiten
Rezensenten und Assistenten (Experten) können Lina-Tokens erhalten, die auf der Qualität ihres Beitrags basieren, der von der Öffentlichkeit bewertet wird.


Einführung hybrider Architekturansätze, Überbrückung zwischen der öffentlichen Etereumkette (Mainnet) und gut skalierbaren Blockchain Private Transaction Services.
Großes Helfer-Netzwerk

Wir haben eine breite und wachsende professionelle Gemeinschaft auf der ganzen Welt aufgebaut. Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen, sich uns bei Lina.network anzuschließen.
Lina.Review besteht aus einem kompakten Team mit großer Erfahrung in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen.

Lina.review hat die App "Lina Ranking" eingeführt (verfügbar bei Google Play), die es Nutzern ermöglicht, die zu überprüfenden Kriterien auszuwählen. Derzeit gibt es 6 Kriterien für Nutzer, die überprüft werden können:

• Medizinische Dienste, Krankenhäuser
• Hotel
• Filme
• Restaurant
• Krypto-Währung
• Smartphone

Ein gutes Projekt muss einen guten Plan für zukünftigen Erfolg haben, was Planung in Lina sein wird. Überprüfen Sie auf RoadMap unten.

Token Lina

Lina Token (LINA) ist das Originalzeichen der Lina-Plattform. Dabei handelt es sich um ein ERC-20-Token auf Basis von Ethereum, einer Blockchain-basierten Dezentralisierungsplattform für Anwendungen, die genau so programmiert sind, wie sie in Abwesenheit von Betrug, Zensur oder Eingriffen von Drittanbietern kryptografisch sicher vertragliche Vereinbarungen ermöglichen. Die Anzahl der erstellten LINA-Token beträgt 900.000.000. 33,33% aller LINA-Tokens (300.000.000) werden im Rahmen des LINA Token Generation-Events der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. 66,67% aller LINA-Tokens (600.000.000) werden in Intelligent Contracts gesperrt, die jährlich für 10 Jahre freigegeben werden (60.000.000 Tokens pro Jahr).

Verteilung von Lina Tokens

33.33% von LINA, die während Generic Token Event (300.000.000 Token) erstellt wurden, werden dem BTR / ETH-Projektmitarbeiter zugewiesen. 66,67% LINA nach Token Generation Event (600.000.000 Token) wird in Intelligent Contract gesperrt, der jährlich für 10 Jahre veröffentlicht wird (60.000.000 Token pro Jahr). Das freigegebene Token wird wie folgt verteilt:

  • 15% an die Lina Foundation, um die Lina Platform am Laufen zu halten.
  • 15% werden künftigen Interessengruppen zur Verfügung gestellt.
  • 35% für Mädchen.
  • 35% zu Token Large Token (mit> 1 Million Token).

Ähnlich kurze Informationen über Lina.Review, für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die sich daran beteiligen und vollständige Informationen über dieses Projekt erhalten möchten, besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link:

Artikel Schriftsteller: Dangdingdongbray



Nodes may be a sophisticated revolutionary beginning, which disrupts the wireless device market's niche market for any non-public and industrial use. Our innovative developments, analytical activities in the field of electrical storage and transmission, enable the U.S. to supply solutions that are given area units of the highest quality and efficiency of use.

As wireless transfer technology increases in client physics, industry and the medical industry are shifting focus to this technology and its inherent advantages. As the communication interface has become more and more wireless with technologies such as local area network and Bluetooth, wireless power transfer has become the relevant choice. Altogether new approaches are often made so that it is not only a clear technical blessing, but also open up the potential to hit a brand new industry style.

This technology generates new ideas - especially in Indonesia industrial sectors that combat strong environmental conditions, aggressive cleaning agents, severe state and mechanical pressure changes (eg ATEX, drugs, construction machinery). For example, valuable and easily damaged slip rings or contacts are often replaced. Other fields This app is with transformers, which must meet special needs, such as reinforced or double layered insulation.

In 2017, Nodes are completed to implement the project's thinking, register intellectual property rights, and attract key specialists in the field of wireless energy transmission, to request half in merchandise development. Currently, it offers a wide range of technical solutions markets in the field of wireless energy transmission - from shopper physics to industrial merchandise The process of making merchandise vaccination technology originating from Node, has passed the experimental study stage for the manufacture and final testing of model devices. The ITO (Initial Token Offering) project provided by Node may be a fundraising operation directed towards continuous technology exploitation and tool production.

Our area unit is in the final stages of symbol device testing. And there are two completely different unit schemes that our scientists are exploring and improving.

In an association-level coil or electrical device, which has a metal or air core, the energy is transferred by a magnetic affiliate that is conveniently referred to as magnetic induction. At the expense of this technique, the transmission and reception of energy becomes possible at a considerable distance, but to gain great stress during this approach, it is absolutely necessary to rearrange the 2 coils very closely to each other.

A magnetic / capacitive resonance clutch is used, where each unit of the inductor area is tuned to a common frequency, so that large amounts of energy are transmitted over a considerable distance.
The core of the promising technology of the Node is that the imposition of many magnetic waves in various impulses of different lengths and frequencies to each different, as these waves feel the source of special ferroelectric material decreases magnetic lenses from structured metamateria.



Flexible pad for wireless charging of electronic devices. space outsized surface charging allows you to charge many devices, putting them in terms of terms or maybe each other.

Target price ~ $ 9
Surface area of ​​300x200mm
Transmitted power up to 10W
5V USB power supply


Wireless charging station for desktop placement. Eon provides many charging devices at once and comes with automatic power management.

Target price ~ $ 159
Transmitted power - up to 150W
Power supply-220V
Dimensions - 100x70mm


10.2012 - 05.2016
The instigators of the project and like seek search in the field of semiconductors and ceramic materials and their interaction with impulsive magnetic fields with high magnetic fields.

Based on the results obtained, a decision was made to commercialize the technology

06.2016 - 06.2017
Development of schemes and technology solutions, component selection

Final successful testing of multiple prototype devices

05.2017 - 06.2017
Design concepts developed, materials and technologies for the manufacture of sample batches are selected

Registration of Node as a legal entity

06.2017 - 09.2017
Financing negotiations and preparation for ITO

10.2017 - 11.2017
Creation of corporate website and marketing materials

12.2017 - 01.2018
Pre-ITO period

12.2017 - 03.2018
Patent registration, product certification, starting from commercial lot production

01.2018 - 03.2018
ITO Period

Introduction of NODE tokens to trade exchanges

03.2018 - 06.2018
Launched Alpha production

05.2018 - 10.2018
Launch Eon production

07.2018 - 05.2019
Launched the production of Wireless Power Station

The Future of Wireless


Token NODE gives you a single chance to take a position in revolutionary revolutionary technology products - wireless transmission devices for every non-public use and business. The collection of funds is intended to finance the production, promotion and sale of Node devices.

  • The current stage of development is the best time to invest:
  • The check mark of the R & D section, production and testing of the emblem successfully completed
  • The All Prototype check marks indicate full compliance with the declared characteristics
  • Checkmark Maximum potential increase in investment
  • Checkmark Protects risks associated with product performance
  • Checkmark Opportunities that are normally accessible only by business angels and venture capitalists.


The NODE token request is formed by a combination of factors: repurchase implementation and also merchandise reduction once purchased directly from Node. look at the state of ITO implementation, with some assumptions, this can be done to calculate the calculated "organic" annual demand for NODE tokens.

That is, in the case of a third situation, the computed annual demand will correspond to eight million US dollars while not considering the increase in demand due to the issuance of the newest product to the market and also the reduction in the token-free variations used

YOU CAN BUY TOKEN HERE https://ico.nodepower.io/


Start 07.12.201712: 00 UTC + 2
End 07.01.2018

Token Price: 1 USD
Minimum contribution: 10 USD equivalent
Total number
token: 0.75 million pcs.

Participants receive 50%
(additional 0.5 tokens per each purchased)


Start 15.02.201812: 00 UTC + 2
End of 15.04.2018

Token Price: 1 USD
Minimum contribution: 10 USD equivalent

The initial participant receives the bonus:
1-10 days 30%
11-20 days 20%
21-30 days 15%
31-40 days 10%

Total number of tokens including Pre-ITO: 10 million pcs
All tokens that are unsold and not shared or will be burned

Token Distribution: 2% of the token sold in the bounty program


Pre-ITO (0.5 mln $):

Apps for trademarks in Europe and the United States December 2017 - January 2018

Request for patents in Europe and the United States (technology) January 2018 - February 2018

Finalize ITO legal structure, get legal opinion December 2017 - January 2018

Marketing campaign for ITO January 2018 - March 2018

ITO (2.5-10 mln $):

Test and earn Alpha certification in Europe and the USA January 2018 - March 2018

Production of Alpha trial consignment March 2018 - May 2018

Test and earn certification for EON in Europe and the United States May 2018 - July 2018

Consignment production of Eon trial July 2018 - September 2018

Request for patents in Europe and the United States (design and model) (October 2018)

For more information about please visit or register via the official web and do not forget to read Whitepaper, as it contains details about the project.

Author Article: Dangdingdong Bray

Minggu, 11 Februari 2018


Teknologi AR adalah teknologi yang mengintegrasikan objek virtual dua dimensi dan tiga dimensi ke dalam lingkungan tiga dimensi yang nyata dan memproyeksikan benda virtual ini secara real time. Tidak seperti realitas maya, yang sepenuhnya menggantikan kenyataan, realitas ditambahkan hanya untuk menambahkan atau melengkapi kenyataan.

Objek virtual menampilkan informasi yang tidak bisa diterima oleh pengguna, dengan perasaannya sendiri. Hal ini menjadikan bentuk kenyataan sebagai alat yang membantu persepsi dan interaksi pengguna dengan dunia nyata. Informasi yang ditampilkan oleh objek virtual membantu pengguna melakukan aksi di dunia nyata.

Realitas yang meningkat dapat diterapkan pada semua indera, termasuk pendengaran, sentuhan dan penciuman. Selain penggunaan di bidang kesehatan, militer, manufaktur, kenyataan tambahan juga digunakan pada perangkat yang digunakan oleh orang-orang, misalnya di ponsel

Teknologi yang menggunakan AR sudah muncul di antara banyak produsen game, perangkat game seperti Oculus Rift, aplikasi iPhone dan Android, dan banyak lainnya, dan tidak mengesampingkan bahwa AR akan menjadi teknologi yang akan sangat bermanfaat dan akan menjadi lebih mudah bagi orang-orang di masa depan. Rencananya sendiri akan terus berkembang dan berkembang.

Aplikasi yang menggunakan AR telah diproduksi massal dan bisa dibeli atau bisa diunduh jika didasarkan pada ponsel. Nah, kalau teknologi Ar digunakan dalam kacamata ..? Maukah anda percaya, jika saat ini proyek ICO muncul, mencoba untuk mencapai hal ini? ..

Lucyd adalah proyek ICO yang merupakan keunggulan teknologi dalam perlombaan persenjataan AR karena memiliki 13 paten canggih dan tim pakar optik yang memungkinkan Anda mengembangkan sepasang kacamata pintar yang unik. Lucyd Lens akan menjadi yang pertama yang ringan, ergonomis, tanpa kawat, nyaman, tertutup, otomatis disesuaikan dengan kondisi terang,
mengakomodasi lensa korektif dan terlihat seperti kacamata biasa. Ini akan menjadi perangkat AR interaktif yang kompatibel dengan konten Android dan IOS yang ada, serta mendukung konten Lucyd yang asli.

Lucyd telah meluncurkan penjualan LCD untuk memberi Anda poin masa depan dan menciptakan ekosistem organik untuk pertumbuhan mereka. Tujuan menjual token adalah untuk mengumpulkan dana yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan prototipe prototipe Lucyd Lens, dan juga untuk membuat blok mesin Lab Lucyd. Lab Lucyd akan mendorong pengembangan aplikasi dan interaksi pihak ketiga sendiri dengan display LCD yang dapat digunakan untuk membeli produk AR dari Lucyd.

Lucyd menawarkan token baru yang disebut LCD, yang merupakan kesempatan untuk membantu mengembangkan dan mengalami hal besar berikutnya di AR. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena Lucyd memiliki 13 paten sinergis dan kelompok ahli AR dan optik yang memungkinkan Anda membuat Lucyd Lens, sepasang kacamata AR-smart ringan. Berkat antarmuka IP yang kuat, Lucyd Lens memiliki posisi yang sangat baik untuk menjadi standar dalam bentuk yang mudah digunakan.

Lucyd bekerja, mempercepat implementasi organik dan pengembangan Lucyd Lens, kami menciptakan AR ARM ARM. Saat pengembang pihak ketiga menyediakan konten baru yang dioptimalkan oleh Lucyd di App Store / Google Play, mereka juga mendaftarkannya ke Lucyd. Ini menciptakan blok baru untuk aplikasi ini, yang kemudian menampilkan display LCD ke pengembang berdasarkan dampak komunitas aplikasi. Ini adalah bonus tambahan di atas pendapatan normal dari aplikasi. Resensi resensi Lucyd juga menilai LCD

Bagaimana cara menggunakan display LCD? Tanda LCD dapat digunakan untuk membeli peralatan Lucid dan konten sumber, jika tersedia. Layar LCD juga akan bekerja dalam mempromosikan Lucyd. Sebagai contoh, 500 unit Lucyd Lens pertama akan dipesan hanya untuk pembelian di LCD, jadi display LCD memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menjadi yang pertama memakainya. Meskipun biaya produksi aktual mungkin berbeda, Lucyd memperkirakan bahwa 5.000 LCD akan diganti oleh satu pasang dasar Lucyd Lens. Display LCD juga bisa dijual untuk bertukar token token lain dan mata uang yang bisa dipertukarkan.

Pengguna akan dapat membeli produk dan layanan Lucyd menggunakan layar LCD. Nilai token LCD dan jumlah LCD yang dibutuhkan untuk membeli produk atau layanan Lucyd akan berubah secara dinamis berdasarkan nilai tukar mengambang dari LCD. Nilai tukar rata-rata akan dihitung secara berkala dan digunakan untuk harga barang dan layanan Lucy untuk penggunanya.

Lucyd diberikan dalam bentuk mata uang digital, dinamai dengan LCD spidol. Token LCD itu sendiri memiliki beberapa fungsi, antara lain:
Seperti sistem pembayaran asli untuk membeli perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak Lucyd, saat tersedia. Ini termasuk kacamata pintar sendiri, serta konten asli yang akan dibuat untuk membuka Lucyd Lab dari Lucyd dan pengembang pihak ketiga

Membiarkan Lucyd mengembangkan prototipe smartglasses Lucid Lens AR dan firmware penting.
Sebagai wadah untuk mengumpulkan dana untuk pengembangan modul perangkat lunak Lucyd Lab jangka panjang, termasuk pengenalan lebih lanjut tentang aplikasi dan produk.
Sebagai wadah untuk memotivasi pengembangan aplikasi dan analisis isi di blok mesin Lucyd Lab dengan LCD spidol.

Sebagai tawaran promosi yang dilakukan oleh Lucyd, misalnya, promosi kami menawarkan 500 pasang lusin Lucid Lens hanya untuk pemegang display LCD.
Lucyd dilepaskan dalam bentuk mata uang digital yang disebut "LCD", yang akan mulai dijual mulai 17 Oktober 2017 sampai 31 Oktober 2017. Sebanyak 50.000.000 token LCD akan dikeluarkan dengan minimum $ 1,5 juta USD dan sebuah maksimal $ 10 juta dollar Amerika. Akan ada diskon 40%.

Lucyd adalah buah kerja sama tim yang bekerja dengan para manajer, pengembang, konsultan, dan profesional pemasaran yang berpengalaman dan berpengalaman di bidangnya. Siapa yang ingin memberikan peluang terbaik mereka dalam proyek ini.

Jadi, review ICO kami tentang proyek ini kali ini, saya harap, dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan Anda dalam memilih proyek ICO terbaik untuk Anda. Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek ini atau akan membeli token Lucyd ini.




WEBSITE : https://lucyd.co/
WHITEPAPER: https://lucyd.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Whitepaper.pdf
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2218055.0;all
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/lucyd_en

Profil Bitcointalk (Dangdingdongbray): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1767724
ETH: 0xd48Bd92737914E7dA48CbFE7974926216Dfec973

Kamis, 08 Februari 2018


HOME LOANS is an accomplished group that has been working in the field of land for over 10 years and particularly with the land credits for over 4 years (permit for microfinance action from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 2013) and in IT advancement for more than 5 years chose to make the HOME LOANS stage.
Today, every individual with the age over 18 will have the chance to purchase their own lodging by having just a cell phone and portable application HOME LOANS.
There is nothing unexpected that budgetary establishments check borrower's reliability exceptionally astute before loaning cash. Money related elements need to make an extensive variety of strategies, for example, FICO rating, security examination, and record of loan repayment check in Bureau (which isn't free) keeping in mind the end goal to assess and settle on a choice on the bank's credit board of trustees.
The reason of making HOME LOANS stage
I. The level of the economy
ii. Renegotiating rate
Iii.The inside directions of banks
iv. The quantity of defaults, the age of the borrower, and so forth.
HOME LOANS is a platform for investment in loans secured by real estate around the world, built on the basis of the Ethereum platform. Token HlCoin platforms will be provided with the real estate objects and will be traded at crypto exchanges. HOME LOANS platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 20 minutes a borrower can get their very first the first loan to purchase real estate in his her life just from their smartphone. All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often. All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to millions of new customers that we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase a property anywhere in the world.
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  1. Access to adequate housing is a universal right of everyone. Meanwhile it
    deprived 1.6 billion people in the world.
  • Fails minimum requirements.
    -A negative credit history or no credit history.
  • High credit load.
  • Low level of income. Fraud.
  • Debt to administrative or criminal liability.
  1. Banks are reluctant to communicate with foreign clients, citing the high level of risk. One of the main reasons to provide you with a mortgage, is a confidential letter from the world's largest Bank, which you should position as paying customers.
is a platform for investment in loans secured by real estate around the world, built on the basis of the Ethereum platform. Token HLCoin platforms will be provided with the real estate objects and will be traded at crypto exchanges. HOME LOANS platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 20 minutes a borrower can get their very first the first loan to purchase real estate in his/her life just from their smartphone.
All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often. All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to millions of new customers that we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase a property anywhere in the world.

The international lending platform for real estate HOME LOANS provides for such types of loans as:
  1. Loans for housing under construction.
  2. Loans for secondary housing.
  3. Loans for commercial real estate.
  4. Loans for land purchase.
  5. Loans for own property.
*HOME LOANS for the crypto community: Creation of a crypto-ecosystem
*HOME LOANS for business: attracting new and returning old customers
*HOME LOANS for people: the opportunity to buy property without resorting to traditional methods like banks
*HOME LOANS for local partners: global business scaling
In order to create a platform HOME LOANS and develop business on a global level, our team took the decision to hold ICO. Successfull ICO will allow us to quickly create products and services, and will also make possible the development in the international market.
*The first stage of the project is the Pre-ICO HLCoin Token which will start on November 29 and end on December 29 (1 HLCoin = 0.5 $ +50% bonus)
*The second stage of the crowdsale project (1 HLCoin = 1 $ + bonuses 3)
*During crowdsale HLCoin will compile a limited number of 150,000,000 tokens and be sold at a fixed price. Original price: the price of the token is fixed at the level of 1 US dollar — 1 HLC token.
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Please feel free to visit our website and whitepaper for more information about the homeloans project and also connect with other participants across the globe by joining our different social media. Thanks for your time.

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/HomeLoansENG

Bitcointalk Profile(Dangdingdongbray): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1767724